Watch this Video!

At Petersburg Public Library, we take pride in celebrating the rich tapestry of talent within our community. One way we do this is by showcasing the work of a local artist each month. As you walk through our library, heading towards the Conference and Event Center, you’ll be greeted by the vibrant colors, intricate designs, and compelling narratives brought to life by our featured artist.

This month, we invite you to immerse yourself in the world of Julian Greene and Nikkea Shareè, our talented spotlight artist. Through a brief video, we delve into the inspiration behind their work, their creative process, and the stories embedded within each piece.

Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a curious passerby, or simply someone looking to appreciate the beauty of local talent, we encourage you to take a moment to watch the video. It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with the artist on a deeper level, gaining insight into their vision and the stories they share through their art.

Join us in celebrating the diverse creativity that enriches our community.

Thank you for supporting local talent and making our library a vibrant hub of creativity. We look forward to sharing more inspiring stories with you in the months to come.