Our Food Demonstrations take place on Tuesdays at the Petersburg Public Library!!

Food is Medicine – Funded by the Cameron Foundation

The Food is Medicine program is a Produce Rx initiative. Dr. Clifford Morris of the Morris Cardiovascular and Risk Reduction Clinic refers his patients who are Petersburg residents and may be at risk of developing cardiovascular disease to participate in this program.

Our second cohort of 25 participants, started on August 6 and will run through October 22. For 12 weeks, participants receive a free bag of fresh produce, including fruits and vegetables from local farmers’ markets.

At the beginning of the program, participants receive a free blood pressure cuff and scale. For the remaining 11 weeks, they receive various kitchen utensils such as cutting boards, peelers, spices, and recently, a blender.

When participants come to pick up their produce bags, they can also enjoy free healthy food demonstrations, get free blood pressure screenings, and receive assistance from the Department of Social Services, which is available to answer questions and provide support for their programs.

For more information, reach out to Lenice Sudds, BHS, LPN,QMHP-A

Program Coordinator

Healthy Living and Learning Center

Petersburg Public Library

201 W. Washington Street

Petersburg, VA 23804

Phone: 804.733.2387 ext. 6302

Email: lsudds@ppls.org